Sunday, June 27, 2010

The latest in Viking training.

So that garage sale was pay dirt. I had called someone else on craigslist about an erg and he wanted 400 for an erg with no monitor, a concept II model B,

So i hopped in my car to go take a look at this "Profession Grade Rowing Machine"

what i found should be in a museum. its like what the vikings trained on before rowing to america. or maybe ben hur. and the galley slaves. I need to get one of those horned hats to wear while i row. The fly wheel is has a fan like covering, there is a moniter but its got to be one of the first ones. and the foot stretchers are wooden. but it works. and I got it for the awesome price of 20 bucks. thats right TWENTY DOLLARS for a CONCEPT II. the only thing that could make this better is me wearing gold spandex and a viking hat while rowing it. which i totally plan to get. The batteries for the moniter cost me about half the price of the erg. so now i have my own erg, so doing urban erg workouts is a possiblity. however it doesnt have an ajustable fly wheel or it does but you manually have to move the chain. it feels like i'm rowing at a ten. yay for me and my soon to be arnold back.

have i mentioned i've already started training my 13 year old brother and 9 year old sister? legs, back, arms, SLOOOOOOOW up the slide. if i cant be a champion i'm going to create one. or two. I'll soon be known as the beast maker.


  1. Emily, you have the funniest blog in the world.

  2. if i cant be fast, at least i will live in infamy.
