Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Goals and stuff

I have a lot of goals for this summer.
Run a 5k twice a week
Only buy coffee 3x a week
actually 2x a week,
learn to throw hammer
become okay at sculling
spend time with my family
by playing board games or going swimming once a week
finish my 15 page research paper
help with my brother’s wedding
have a garden
get rid of stuff
get my car cleaned out and figure out ways to not have to fill up everyweek.

I was gifted with a car this summer. It seemed like perfect until I realized it gets 20 miles to the gallon if lucky. I kind of want to puke everytime I think about it. I googled ways to save gas and now using cruise control, not going above 6omph, and am considering loosing weight and emptying my trunk to help as well.

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